Friday, May 11, 2018

Brain tumor: The war between tumor and surgery

An oncogenic or non-oncogenic mass or the growth of abnormal cells in the brain is called brain tumor. There are no exact causes for the brain tumor. when the doctors intimate the victims that they have brain tumor they wonder and raises the question that what may have caused this. Nowadays doctors suggest that ionizing radiation and the family history may be the two upcoming causes for the brain tumor.
The techniques used for the detection of brain tumors include angiogram, biopsy and spinal tap. A spinal tap is the techniques where the physicians or the surgeons remove the cerebrospinal fluid and performs the laboratory check to detect the cancer cells. This procedure is done under the local anesthesia. The doctors use the long thick needle to remove the fluid from the lower spinal column.
Surgery is the useful first step treatment for brain tumor. Surgery generally done by opening the skulls are called craniotomy. After the surgery is performed the surgeon generally closes the skull with a piece of bone or metal or fabric.
In order to withstand the side effects of surgery, the healthcare teams generally suggest the antibiotics. Surgery can be suggested under three conditions for the accurate diagnosis, for the partial removal of tumors and to reduce the level of seizures caused due to the tumor.
Recent studies show that when surgery clubbed with adjuvant whole brain radiation therapy the survival rate seems to increase dramatically

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