Friday, September 28, 2018

Future of robotic surgery!!!

Exploring the present status and picturizing the future goals!!!

Robotic surgery is one of the latest advancements in the field of medicine and has got the alternative name called “Minimally invasive” which means instead of operating the patients through large incision we can use the miniaturized small instruments which will help them in the shorter recovery.

The dream came to imagination!

During previous days robots were once thought as the far-off future the use of robotics and other advanced technology in the field of surgery has gained the greater importance.

Where does the robotic surgery come into action?

Robotic surgeries can be used in the many conditions such as hernia surgery, bladder surgery, cancer operations and others including gynecologic and cardiothoracic disorders.

Success rate of robotic surgery when compared to the other!!!

The risk factors in the field of the robotic surgery are like other types of open-heart surgery but the thing is that the success of the surgery depends on the patient’s previous medical history and the earlier surgical history with the surgeons.

To present your recent research works in the field of surgery kindly submit your abstracts.


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